Here is oxford circus station, many people there, heaps shopping mall and restaurant can look around, come to listen live music.
I like live band |
這是BBC電視台大樓裡面轉播台喔,無意間逛到的 BBC TV is in somewhere |
好多漂亮的古堡建築 Many castle building |
大家在排隊進地鐵站,太誇張這麼多人,下班時間更可怕 Everyone going to take tube |
This date is my birthday, we went to burger and lobster restaurant to celebrate, they gave us ice cream with candle and sang a birthday song, so sweet.
If it's your birthday, they will let you wear RED LOBSTER DRESS, but I didn't see any female wear that.
店員會拿來給你看你點的龍蝦尺寸 staff will show you what size of lobster you order |
附薯條和沙拉,可續,最愛他的沙拉 chips and salad included |
送的冰淇淋插上蠟燭 free ice cream |
wa, so big one |
bar area |
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