hang around the river 紅色的屋頂 |
information recommend restaurant 來這間旅客中心推薦的餐廳 |
點餐 PAO ONE FOR 0.3 EU 麵包一個大概10元台幣 SANGRIA 1 L *8.5 EU 甜甜的水果酒 一嚐上癮Sangria is a beverage, common in Spain and Portugal. It normally consists of red wine, chopped fruit, a sweetener, and a small amount of added brandy. Chopped fruit can include orange, lemon, lime, apple, peach, melon, berries, pineapple, grape, kiwifruit and mango. A sweetener such as honey, sugar, syrup, or orange juice is added. Instead of brandy, other liquids such as Seltzer, Sprite or 7 Up may be added. BOLINHOS ONE FOR 1 EU 炸鱈魚球 一顆1歐 炸鱈魚球 沒吃過的口感 軟軟綿綿一絲一絲的,好吃 1/2 SARDINHA ASSADA 6.9 EU 烤沙丁魚,淋了很多橄欖油 附一盤蔬菜 魚超級好吃~~很香 1/2 POLVO LAGAREIRO 16.5 EU 烤章魚,也是很多橄欖油 很軟綿,好吃 TACA MOZART 3.5 EU 蘭姆葡萄巧克力冰淇淋 好吃 總共39.3歐 三個人吃下來很飽 還有甜點 CP值很高 吃飽去散步 回到橋的另一端逛逛 好想在這露天城堡餐廳看海吃飯 原本要去看像是萬里長城的地方,可是五點已關門 準備搭火車回LISBON tonight's triple room in LISBONmartim moniz 28 guest house 12 EU/per night今晚LISBON下榻飯店,一晚也是不到500台幣 其實是民宅, 服務很好,24hr都有人服務,還能幫忙影印飛機票, 但沒瓦斯和鍋子可以煮泡麵,碗也很小,好險有萬能保鮮盒,超棒。 |