Today is warm, let's go to look around the town, I borrowed a free bike from guesthouse.
Toward sea side on google map, here is a harbour, old fishing boat
好想搭船去體驗漁夫生活 I want to get on boat to experience fisherman life |
到海邊什麼都覺得美~~垃圾桶 everything is pretty in beach |
腳踏車停這也很美 even a normal bike |
下午五點多,黃色的燈已經亮了耶~~晚上一定更漂亮 5 pm, light up, must more beautiful over night time |
沿著海岸線一直騎,心情舒暢 follow the shore riding, feel so good |
騎到另一個港口 It's another harbour |
很熱情的冰島人釣到魚叫我去看還要給我魚,他說要把魚皮剝掉,但我沒殺過魚還是算了,在餐廳也可以吃到喔 somebody got a fish and call me to have a look, he want to give to me , but I don't know how to manage this fish |
比目魚 Flatfish |
In many species, both eyes lie on one side of the head, one or the other migrating through and around the head during development. Some species face their left sides upward, some face their right sides upward, and others face either side upward.
肯德基 KFC |