火車從機場坐到了Pg De Gráciá一出站就看到這偉大的建築Casa Batlló巴特略之家
是建築師安東尼·高迪同若熱普-瑪麗亞·茹若爾(Josep Maria Jujol)合作裝修改造的一座建築。該建築建於1877年,在1904年到1906年間接受改造。2005年被擴充入世界遺產安東尼·高迪的建築作品中。
a renowned building located in the center of Barcelona and is one of Antoni Gaudí’s masterpieces. A remodel of a previously built house, it was redesigned in 1904 by Gaudí and has been refurbished several times after that.
Passeig de Gràcia have many incredible buildings, good shopping places, and tapas restaurants, cafe', just go straight the road, everything you want included~~
不少間吃到飽自助餐,價格不貴,午餐10.9歐元 many buffet, good price |
有市區腳踏車,不少人騎,但只有居民才能使用喔,騎摩托車的也很多~~~~還看到很多很可愛的骨董車 Bicing is Barcelona's public bicycle borrowing scheme for permanent residents only. Tourists cannot rent city bikes. Residents can register online to get a Bicing city bike membership card, which allows them to borrow bicing bicycles from 30 minutes to 2 hours. The cost is €47 a year (2014 prices) for an annual subscription. Visitors to Barcelona cannot use the bicing system. 不過也可以跟店家租腳踏車旅遊,夏天在這騎腳踏車應該很痛快~還可以騎到海邊游泳~~ 聽說有很多天體營,有興趣的快去查 There is some other bike rental information as follow http://www.barcelonayellow.com/bcn/sights/bike-rental http://www.bikerentalbarcelona.com/index.htm |
溫暖的陽光 oh~sun shine |
沒買到刮刮樂,有不少間,可是要碰運氣看到他有開 lottery |
80%的警察都很有型 stylish police |